
Welcome to the Devops Library. This is Samantha, and today we'll be setting up a Salt master. We're going to start out with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 VM on Amazon's AWS. If you'd prefer to learn Salt on a local VM, we do have a Vagrantfile you can use. Alright, let's go ahead and get started.

Installing SaltStack

First, become root by running sudo -i. Next, make sure that your server's hostname is set to salt, if it isn't, we can easily rename the server in two steps. First run hostname salt, then we need to edit the /etc/hosts file.

Add one line to the file: salt

Now log out of the server and back in. Perfect! While you don't have to name your Saltmaster salt, it will makes things easier, as the minions will look for that hostname by default. If you're coming from the Windows world and haven't learned VIM yet, visit

The next thing that we need to add is the Saltstack repository, that way we know we're getting the latest version. Type:

add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt

Then run:

apt-get update

Alright, we're finally ready to install the master, run:

apt-get install salt-master -y

Alright, believe it or not, after that, we're finished! As you can see, even setting up a salt master from scratch is very simple.

Great job! In our next two lessons we're going to cover how to add both Linux and Windows minions. If you enjoy our videos and would like to support us, please visit

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